Family Vacation 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Families are Forever

David and I were priviledged to attend a sealing yesterday at the Salt Lake Temple. His niece, Tara, and her husband, Burke, have been working on adopting a lovely little girl. They were her foster parents from the day she was born. They named her. They've raised her. She calls them mommy and daddy. Just this week the adoption finally went through. And yesterday they were sealed as a family.

The older two children, Whitney and James, got to be there as well. Whitney is nearly 11, and very grownup. She and London wanted matching dresses, of course. Isn't that what sisters do? Tara couldn't refuse a request like that. I know that I wouldn't have been able to. James, who is around 6, started giggling into his hand when his new little sister started screaming for her daddy. This is a happy family. *grin*

I, too, am a member of a happy family. My boys fought all morning. Ella ate an entire Symphony bar (a large one) by least we hope she did and it wasn't the dog. Sarah is...well...Sarah is busy. I didn't see her that much yesterday. David and I did get to spend most of the day together. In other words, I'm grateful for forever. I think it's going to take that long to get my kids to clean their rooms.


Kate said...

Not forever, I'm pretty clean now and I was hellian-ly messy when I was Joshie and Ben's age... teehee - you are so funny!