Family Vacation 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Seems like a really "duh" title for the first blog of a new year, but there you go. It is, after all, a new year, and I do wish you happiness.

David and I went off to Laughing Stock tonight. We enjoyed it so much that we are talking about trying to do it again next year, or this year, as the case may be. It certainly helps that Sarah is old enough to babysit at home, but not old enough to run off to a party of her own. *grin*

The kids stayed home and celebrated in their own way. I found out, after the fact of course, that this included; playing chase with the dog in the house, making way too much noise (no big deal), and the grand finale...wait for it...drum roll...shaking up cans of red cream soda and exploding them in my kitchen at 12:00. Hmmm. They said they cleaned up ("and Chubs helped!"), but the floor is still suspiciously sticky. Oh well. They'll have to mop in the morning.

Laughing Stock went a little over time tonight. Initially, David and I were going to try to make it home to cheer in the new year with the kids. I certainly wouldn't have allowed red cream soda fountains, so I'm thinking they didn't mind so much. Anyway, we kissed in the new year at the stoplight at 4700 so. and I-215. Three minutes later we celebrated with the kids.

Well, my family is all set to try on 2008 for size. We have lots of big plans, lots of little plans, and lots of no plans at all. Mostly, I hope we're happy. And in that spirit, I wish you all...



Esther said...

At least they didn't put butter in the VCR!