Family Vacation 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I cannot believe how tired I am of the snow.

When I woke up this morning and saw that it had snowed, yet again, I nearly cried. Yesterday there were patches of grass showing through. Sure they were brown, but at least they weren't white. And now...all white again.

Even as I type it's snowing still.

I realize that because we live in a desert, every bit of moisture that we receive should be considered a blessing. And I am grateful for the water. This much snow means I'll be able to water my lawn this summer without feeling guilty. It means I'll have a great garden (as long as I weed it). It means that all the new growth in the valley, particularly out by the Oquirrhs, won't be a huge drain on our already limited water supply. At least not yet.

I'm just so tired of being cold all the time.

If my mother called me up today and said, "Let's go to Hawaii! Our flight leaves tomorrow!" I would go. I would call all my lessons for the next week and cancel or reschedule. I would find a substitute for my Hale Centre Theatre class. I would ask one of the sisters in the ward to teach my Sunday School lesson. I would...crap! I can't miss a week of rehearsal. Not when I worked so hard to get in the show in the first place.

I guess I have to live with it.

Really no choice there at all. I don't control the weather. Even if I could arrange my schedule to go to Hawaii, the financial end of it doesn't look too promising. Besides, I think my kids would freak out if I left them here in the cold and snow and sent them postcards from the sunshine. (It is the rainy season...maybe they wouldn't freak out nearly as much.)

But I draw the line at shoveling the walks.

I know I was dreaming of a White Christmas (Hooray for Irving Berlin!) but this has gotten ridiculous. Who ever heard of dreaming of a white Valentine's Day? Or a white Presidents' Day? Or a white St. Patrick's Day? (Please! No!)

I cling to the hope that this will end.

The sun will shine, the grass will turn green. I don't remember if I got my bulbs planted, but I may, or may not, have tulips and crocuses. My mom will for sure. That might be good enough. There is a time and season for everything. Right now, it's winter. Possibly soon enough (to save my sanity) it will be spring.

I'm really looking forward to that.


Esther said...

"I hate snow!! Snow and I . . . we're THROUGH!!"