Family Vacation 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Girls, girls, girls

Friday morning, around 5:00 a.m., Ella came into my bedroom and said, "Daddy! I'm tired!"

Saturday after rehearsal I had a nice chat with Cindy, who told me I could get pink extensions for my hair, even though I'm in a show and technically I'm not supposed to cut or color my hair. But, she said that she would call the hair and wig designer for the show and make sure it's okay with her. *grin*

I also saw Cat on Saturday, and something about following her around the theatre, doing laps as it were, makes other things seem less important.

Tammy was there, too! And she was so happy it was contagious! It's really great how Tammy just fits in these days. I think my circle of friends needed her.

Alyssa had a really great lesson Saturday afternoon. We've been concerned about all the songs she has to learn for school, but I think she's got them down. Still, we are having a couple more lessons before she has to perform them just to make sure.

Sarah lounged across my bed all afternoon watching "Gilmore Girls" with me. We saw the "Oi with the poodles already!" episode and had to try it out.

Sarah and I also watched certain parts of the wonderful BBC version of "Pride and Prejudice". If you have ever seen this movie, you know which parts. I then proceeded to tell her the story of my worst grade ever.

Kate called me back Saturday night. We had a really great chat that helped to lift some of my black mood. I especially liked the part where she body slammed a guy and scared the camera woman with her mad look.