Family Vacation 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008


Two months of 2008 gone. It hardly seems possible. Life seems to be going so much faster than when I was a kid. I remember when summer lasted forever (with four kids home, it still kind of does), the school year was way too long (not anymore, I guarantee it), and a month, a week, a day had a life of it's own.

I thought I should take a little bit of time and see when my New Year's Resolutions left me.

1. Lose 10 lbs. - this one hasn't actually left me yet. I didn't really start until the end of January in the first place, and I've lost about 4 lbs, but more importantly, I've started getting in shape. In fact, I'm going to be doing a 38 mile bike ride with a couple of friends and family members the first weekend of June!

2. Read Les Miserables - I've only read about 550 pages, but I've read more than 30 other books. This goal really is still on target. Hmmm. Maybe it's ahead of target. I always was an over-achiever.

3. Compose a new piece/song every week - I've done it! They are not all good, but that wasn't the goal. The goal was to get the creative juices flowing, and it's working. However, I still have a lot of year left to go and I refuse to stop now.

4. Blog, one way or another, every single day - duh!

5. Read the entrie Chronicles of Narnia. I finished 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader' on Thursday. That means I only have two books left until I'm done. I guess I'm ahead of the game on this resolution as well.

I guess this means my resolutions haven't left me at all. This must be a good year, because I know for a fact that this is not always the case. Maybe taking the time to review my goals, revise them if necessary, and renewing my determination is how I'm going to accomplish these things. That's a good way to accomplish anything.