Family Vacation 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ella Sings

One morning, before my latest audition, I was getting ready to take Ella to school and I could hear her start singing. She was sitting on the floor at the foot of my bed singing "The Lady is a Tramp". I know how she learned that one, it's my audition song. But hearing a nearly four year old sing that song made me laugh (inside! I wouldn't disturb her singing by laughing out loud!).

Later that same morning, on the way to preschool, I hear Ella singing in the back seat of the van. "All I need is one more try, Gotta get that kite to fly, And I'm not the kind of guy who gives up easily..." This is the hardest phrase in "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" and she got it pitch perfect. So when she went on, "Wonder why they stop and say," I filled in for her with "You're a good man, Charlie Brown!" She then sang, "Never liked me anyway". And me, "You're a good man, Charlie Brown!" It was a duet!

After school, I heard her again. This time she had turned on my digital piano, I'm assuming to provide accompaniment for herself, and started singing the "Hallelujah Chorus". What am I going to do with this child?


Kate said...

Cast her.

Over and over and over again.