Family Vacation 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hat Trick

I was going to try to be all clever about this, but I'm still just so excited that I don't think it's going to happen.

Last night, Mark Dietlein called me and asked if I would consider being part of the cast for "Annie Get Your Gun"!!!!!! I had auditioned for it, but apparently wasn't right for the show. It was okay, I was sad, but not overly so. Then this! I know that this means that someone else turned it down, and I didn't make the show on the first cut, so I have alot to prove. But I don't care! I get to do the show!

I was so calm on the phone, but the minute I hung up I started jumping up and down. Then the kids started cheering, and I felt so good. My family loves me! They support me in all these things I want to do. The kids are asking if they get to come see the show...of course!

I also called a few friends and other family members. Everyone was excited for me. No one tried to make me feel bad for any reason at all. I must be the luckiest person in the world to have such friends and family.

So, I audition for a show. I didn't get in. Five days after everyone else has been called the producer calls and asks if I'll do the show. The portion of the maneuver when I get called after everyone else because they are in a bind is called a "Seth Barney".
