Family Vacation 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008


My first callback this week was on Monday. I went, I sat, I sang, I blew chunks, I didn't get to read, I went home and felt terrible about it. The tension in the room was nearly palpable. All these women and men, so anxious about this show. What I didn't understand until Wednesday was that Monday was the callback only for the leads, not for the ensemble. In other words, I got a callback for a lead! What were they thinking?!

Last night was so much better. I went, I sat, I danced, I sang, I got to sing alto, I didn't blow chunks, I chatted with people I know, I went home and felt wonderful about it. I met some new people, some really nice new people, and I'm thinking how much fun it would be to do a show with them. I ran into some old friends, and I'm thinking how much fun it would be to do a show with them, too. I know that not everybody that was at the callback can make the show, but suddenly, I'm hopeful again.

I cried Monday night. All day Tuesday and Wednesday I had this attitude of apathy toward this show. Perhaps it was a defense mechanism thrown up in response to what I viewed as a really terrible audition. Maybe it was a lack of energy due to the cold I've been fighting and the flu going around my family. I don't know for sure what it was, but it's gone now.

Whatever the outcome, I'll be okay. I really want to do this show, and I know I put up a good audition last night, so I'm feeling good about it. If I don't make it, well, it means they had something else in mind. But enough of that! It's time for the power of positive thinking!


Rach said...

I'm glad you didn't blow chunks at your second audition. Gross!