This entire last week was absolutely crazy! I'm not certain anyone noticed, but I did post a few blogs that were a little bit strange. Oh well. What's done is done. From here on, at least for a few months, I expect life to be more like normal...crazy, but not crazy crazy!
Last Friday Rachael and I took some kids to the zoo. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and even though it was a little rainy, the rain mostly stopped and it was just nice and cool. In other words, it was a perfect day to be at the zoo.
I doesn't seem to matter how many times I've taken my kids past this elephant, they always want to ride the trunk and have me take a picture of it. This time Rachael and I thought that we would "encourage" Drew to be in the picture. Can you tell he was thrilled with us? We had a great day! And in retrospect I'm so grateful that I had this one taking it easy day before all the craziness started. (Rachael, I have more pictures that I will post for you later.)
"Annie Get Your Gun" closed this last weekend. *sigh* I'm happy and sad all at the same time, and I think that's a great way to be when a show closes. If you're only sad, the show has closed too soon. If you're only happy, you may not have liked anyone in your cast and that is terrible! So, for me, this time at least, I'm glad not to have to perform anymore, but I'm missing the people I got to know during the run. I've spent much of my free time the last 3 1/2 months with the same's a good thing I liked them so much.
Although there were three shows on Saturday, my cast only performed one of them (that's the MWF schedule). However, my double left for Aruba early Saturday morning and couldn't do her last two shows. This left me to do her shows as well as my own (five shows in two days...but I'm alive!). Something strange happened to me when my cast left. In spite of the fact that I like the other cast, and I have some really good friends there, I felt a little bit deserted. What a strange sensation! I almost cried! I didn't realize how much I enjoyed performing with my cast until they were gone. Isn't that always the way of it?
Still, I'm so grateful I had this if I could only get the rest of the mic tape residue off my neck...
Imagine my surprise when I walked into my room Friday night after the cast party (it was really late!) and found long strands of hair on my floor. Yes, Ella decided she wanted short hair and took the matter into her own hands. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I wanted to cry because she had the longest hair for a four year old, down to her waist, but it was really funny because that's just like Ella to do something like that. Well, in the end I decided to laugh. It wasn't as if she had shaved her head or even cut too close. I just figured she was going to get the short haircut she wanted.
I called Cindy Johnson early Saturday morning (she assured me I didn't wake her up)and begged for a favor...after all, it was an emergency. May I just say: CINDY IS A GENIUS!!!!!
(proof positive)
My little girl, however, is a ham.

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