Family Vacation 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hey yah Hugo!

This is the first in my series of blogs about my families upcoming production, "Bye, Bye Birdie". Being that it's tech (hell) week I imagine there won't be anything else on my mind.

Anyway, here's a short video of my girls singing from the show...Ella took the boys part. All morning she was running around singing this exact bit, but as soon as I got the camera out she got shy. Since when does Ella get shy in front of a camera?

Coming soon...random photos from rehearsal process...


Erica said...

Your kids are SO cute! I love them! I feel so blessed to have gotten such awesome stage kids for my first show. :^)

I saw a link to your blog on Megan's. Do you mind if I pop in once in awhile?

Patti said...


Feel free! I'm glad you're David's wife this time around, I always feel better when it's someone nice.

Erica said...

You're so sweet! Thank you! David has been awesome to work with!

Speaking of David, I told him I'd get your e-mail from him tonight so I could add you to my blog list and then I ran off without asking him for it. I'll for sure get it from him tomorrow. :^)