Family Vacation 2008

Friday, June 27, 2008

Odds and Ends

an end

Bye Bye Birdie closed last night and I must say, "If you didn't see it you really missed a great show!" I know it was community theatre, I know we had a limited budget for sets (and a bunch of problems with them), I realize we worked with people who in some cases had little or no experience, but in the end, none of that mattered. The show was fun. And the audience enjoyed themselves. Yes, I would say it was totally worth more than the cost of the ticket, which was very reasonable at $5.

an odd

I saw an old college friend of mine at the show last night. To give a little bit of perspective, I must say that I haven't seen Nancy in 14 years. My last couple of years of college we did a lot together, including a trip to California. She introduced me to "The Reluctant Debutante" (a must-see movie if you are a Rex Harrison or Sandra Dee fan...or just like old movies). We spent hours talking and singing (we were both music majors). She was invited to my wedding ceremony, not just the reception.

She looked great! She must have lost 100 - 150 lbs. And she looked happy! And I think that's more important than the weight loss. But she told me lots of people didn't even recognize her after her drop in pounds. How could they not? She's still Nancy. I haven't seen her in a long time (see above) and I recognized her immediately. Go figure.

an end

One of my dearest friends got engaged last night!!!!!!!!!! It's an end to her singledom (was that a bit of a stretch?). I'm so excited for her, the guy is great, and since she is great, too, I figure they can be lucky to have found each other. Did that make any sense at all? Too bad. I know what I'm trying to say.

an odd

Functioning on four hours of sleep is fun. Just kidding... Especially since whatever I'm allergic to seems to pollinate in the morning.

an odd

I'm so excited to be getting ready for my vacation. Since I have tickets to see "The Drowsy Chaperon" on Saturday (matinee) and Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, today is my day to pack for myself, the kids, and the family (yes those are different things). I also have to go to the store and take a nap. Watering the lawn isn't a bad idea either...

an end

When I told my daughter Ella (she's four) that last night was the last time she'd get to perform in Bye Bye Birdie she told me, "No. I'm not finished yet."

I think I've created a diva.


Unknown said...

Are the kids really so bad that you have to go to a store for it to be quiet enough to sleep? I would have thought the library would have been better.

Rach said...

Ella may be a diva, but she's a freakin' adorable one!

Sharon said...

an end: I got what you were saying :-)

Stephanie said...

It was such a joy working with your family! Thank you for sharing them with us. :)
Oh, and Ella deserves to be a diva: she is divine!

Erica said...

So cute! I'm going to miss her! Josh told me yesterday that he really wished we had more shows too. :^)