Family Vacation 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008


When Crystal and I stayed at her parents house before the bike event, we watched the pilot episode of a series called "Eureka". It's a sci-fi channel show, and since I don't have cable or satellite or anything but an antenna on the roof, I had never seen it before.

Since that time, I've rented the first season from netflix (a great deal for movie watchers!) and gotten my kids addicted to it. They don't like it as much as Doctor Who, but they still think it's pretty cool.

In fact, they got bored yesterday and watched four episodes. And last night while the rest of the family was at final rehearsal, Ben and I watched those same four episodes.

Tired of summer reruns? Need something besides "The Amazing Race" and "So You Think You Can Dance" (both great shows, by the way)? Anxious for a little bit of light hearted entertainment?

Try Eureka.


Shauna said...

Okay, so this comment is totally unrelated to this post, but did I throw a shoe at a mouse? I have no memory of this occurrence. If I did, I need to be reminded. It would make a great "So take that for freaking my toes out!" story.

Anonymous said...

I love eureka! Check out the public service announcements on :)