Family Vacation 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008


Sometimes when you teach a lesson, you really don't how it's received. You don't feel great when it's all finished, you felt as if you stumbled your way through the material, and aren't sure you made your point at all. Even the "that was a good lesson" comments that you're given don't really seem all that sincere.

Then the sister comes up you and says, "Thank you so much. I've been struggling with ??? and your lesson was exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you."

And on the way home your daughter tells you, "You gave a good lesson today, Mom. My Sunday School teacher came in and told us all about it." (I was wondering how she knew anything about my lesson...she's in Young Women's and not Relief Society.)

And all the stress and struggle seems worth it.


Stephanie said...

That's so great! I'd imagine you're a wonderful teacher.

Miss Megan said...

I remember the days of feeling like my lessons were so-so. I'm glad you were able to get the positive feedback! Yay!