Family Vacation 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Story of Evil Tickles as Told By the Rogers Family

E - Bad Tickles was trying to chase me.
D- No!
E- They he just tried to hit me!
P- Really?
E- Uhhuh.
Then I just stopped like that.
S- Then he decided to make Sarah sick. And he did.
E- No he didn't!
S- Yes, he did!
B- Then he tried to take over the body of Joshua.
J- Hey!
E- No he didn't! Then he tried to take the body of me!
B- Okay, Ella.
E- Then I was running around. Then he just did something.
P- What did he do?
E- He just tried to hit me again.
(S- Ella, do you want a marshmallow?
E- No.
S- Josh, do you want it?
J- Yes.)
E- Then bad Tickles was chasing us on our walk.
B- Then bad Tickles got a whole bunch of explosives, exploded a hole in the ground and put Josh in it.
S- And that's what we call an out house!
J- Uh!
P- The End.
E- That's not the end!


Stephanie said...


Miss Megan said...

Excuse me while I go laugh for the next twenty minutes :oD