Family Vacation 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I am currently reading a book titled "The Last of the Red Hot Vampires".

Yes, it is as silly as it sounds.

I started thinking about that, and realized that we all need a little silliness in our lives on occasion. I had a very thoughtful weekend. I learned a lot. I've been studying my next Relief Society lesson. I've been composing a very beautiful song. I've been taking care of kids and my house and finances and getting students ready for solo and ensemble festival.

I needed something silly. This book certainly fits the bill.

"The Last of the Red Hot Vampires".



Anonymous said...

I think that it is the breaks of silliness that help us be ready to learn. Sometimes we just need a rest so we can be more open.

And anything with "red hot" and "vampires" in it sounds like the perfect bit of escapism to me!

Your reading list always sounds way more fun than mine..right now.."Epigenetic programming of stress responses through variations in maternal care"---interesting but definitely NOT escapist!