Family Vacation 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gilmore Girls Game

Great title! Terrific Alliteration! Loads of Fun! Play the Gilmore Girls Game today!

The Rules:

  1. Everyone but Rachael on one team.
  2. Rachael on the other team.
  3. Team One (not Rachael) names an episode. i.e. "what about the one when Lane gets contacts?" (Season Six Epsiode Three doesn't work)
  4. Rachael will give a quote from said episode.
  5. Epsiodes may be repeated, if a different plot line is used.
  6. The winner is decided by who can still speak when the laughter gets too hearty.

This game is appropriate for all ages! And especially fun at events like Rossini's "Cinderella" and Sunday Family Dinner!

Alternate Rules.

  1. Everyone playing (including Rachael), names one episode at a time.
  2. The phrase begins either, "Remember the episode when..." or "Was it the episode when..."
  3. Everyone wins!


Anonymous said...

What are you wearing? NOT underwear....