Rachael did not tag me with this, but ever since she did this blog, I've been thinking about it. It's been fun figuring out the who, what, and wheres of my whens. Still, I debated whether or not to actually blog the timeline, because quite frankly, so much of it has to do with me being pregnant. Anyway, I'll try to make it as interesting as I can. (If it's not interesting enough, just skip it! It's not as if I'll even know, or get offended if I find out!)
20 Years Ago - I was at BYU-Hawaii just having returned from Concert Choir tour to the big island. The funny thing about this tour was I was expected to have my parents sign a permission slip so I could go. When we left, I wasn't 18 yet. I guess the director of activities (not Dr. Smith, who was the director of the choir) decided that since I turned 18 while we were on the tour, they would fudge it a little bit...and throw me a birthday party, too! Being at BYU-H was one of those great experiences in life that you never forget. Smelling the beach on the way to class, the hearing the show at the PCC, wading through the "river" during the rainy season, seeing flowers every day...all these things really colored my year there. I wonder what the heck made me decide to transfer to Ricks College the next year?

10 Years Ago - Benjamin was 10 months old and I was pregnant again with Joshua. It's one thing to know that my boys are only 18 months apart. It's quite another to realize that means I was pregnant (and sick) when I had a 9 month old baby. What was I thinking? When Sarah was born I looked at her and knew I was finished for a while. When Benjamin was born I looked at him and knew that I had to have another one. I think I cried both times.
5 years Ago - Yes, I was pregnant again. I had just finished "The King and I" at Hale Centre Theatre. I found out I was pregnant opening week. If I had known I was going to be pregnant, I certainly wouldn't have agreed to be single cast. That was one of the most trying experiences I've ever been through and I look back on it and feel that it shows what I'm made of...I didn't miss a single performance, and I never threw up on stage. Back to the timeline, we had just come back from our first trip to Disneyland as a family. When we drove into Anaheim and saw the sign I cried. The kids were excited, but nothing like me. How could they be? They had never been to Disneyland before and didn't know what was coming. The second time we took them, when we saw that sign, everyone cheered.

3 Years Ago - I was the Primary Chorister (again), had just finished up my first straight play since elementary school, which amounts to ever (it was "The Odd Couple"), was not pregnant, was still suffering the aftereffect of my kidney stones, and was just going along for the ride. David was starting to have headaches, and we weren't certain what was causing them yet (oh, the pre-tumor years...). We were blissfully unaware that in a couple of months our lives would change forever. Still, I wouldn't go back.
1 Year Ago - I was released as Primary Chorister (finally) and put in as a Relief Society teacher. I'm still loving my calling. I was rehearsing at the OBT for their Christmas offering, and Joshua was part of the children's chorus for the show. I had auditioned for "Once on this Island" at Hale, had gotten a callback (for Erzulie and Andrea...my first callback for leads!) but hadn't made the show. In retrospect, I'm awfully glad, but at the time it stung a bit.
Yesterday - Ella went to school, I skipped tap in an effort to not let myself get sick. I think I succeeded, I'm feeling much better today. My special order came in at JoAnn, Ella and I went to pick it up and then stopped at Jamba Juice because, hey!, we were right there. We spent the afternoon watching PBS Kids, an Elvis movie, and taking naps. I taught a slew of lessons, had some good ones and some not as good ones (typical), then went right on to dinner. Being Wednesday, it was Joshua's turn to cook dinner, he did a great job with the hot dogs and french fries. After dinner I watched ANTM and CSI:NY. David scooped me some ice cream, I read my scriptures, said my prayers and went to sleep. Pretty normal Wednesday.

Today - I'll be watching Rachael's kids this morning. Ella will be very happy about that. She's been asking me all week if they could come over. I have lessons sporadically all day long, Thursday is my big day for teaching. It's Ella's turn to cook dinner, so I think we're having tortillas and cheese. Yum! There is a Halloween event at the elementary school that I'll be missing, but don't worry, David will take the kids. I'm planning on finishing "The Tale of Despereaux" between lessons today.
Tomorrow - Happy Halloween! Ella has her school party, it's short day for the older three, and spooky fun will abound! Sarah will be doing baptisms with her Rogers' cousins, the others will be trick o' treating...I think it's my year to take the kids around while David stays home and hands out goodies (of which we have four big bags...way too much!).
Next Year - I'm going to New York! I'm already on board to do "Utahoma" at OBT. I'll be doing "School House Rock" in the fall, and probably "Forever Dead" as well. Ella will be in kindergarten, Sarah in the ninth grade, Benjamin in sixth, Joshua in fifth. I have no idea what my lesson schedule will look like, except I will not be teaching on Fridays (it's been fabulous having that off!) Other than that, who knows?

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