Family Vacation 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Benjamin is currently taller than Joshua. Think this doesn't really matter? The look of exultation on Ben's face when we discovered this tells a totally different story.

One of my favorite sounds in the entire world is the pop of canning jar lids. I learned this from my mother.

I learn difficult tap steps by relating them to music. Surprised? No? How about this. I hear them, and then I see the rhythm in my head...quarter, eighth, eighth, triplet, triplet, triplet. So, when I learned a new two-part step yesterday, there was a grand staff, feet on the bottom staff, claps on the top. I was the only person in the class that got it.


Stephanie said...

Yahoo for you!

I also LOVE the sound of jar lids popping. To me it equals success!

Great for you getting such a complicated tap step. You've got a big step up on me! I'm a terrible tapper. :)