Family Vacation 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Joy in the Journey

You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays.

This talk really struck home with me. I remember thinking, and saying!, when Ella starts preschool, I'll have three mornings a week all to myself! Think of all the things I'll be able to accomplish! Well, Ella started preschool a month ago, and I'm still waiting for those mornings to myself. The funny thing is, I get more accomplished on the mornings that she is with me.

Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

I know President Monson didn't quote Ferris Bueller. But it seemed pretty appropriate. Especially given that I'm resolving to look around more often. I have four beautiful children who are growing up faster than I can say, "Boo!" I want to build memories with them. I want them to be able to look back (when they have beautiful children of their own) and say, "Remember when Mom and Dad did this? Remember that day? Remember the water fight?" I want my children to know that I made time for them.

"Each one of you is living a life filled with much to do. I plead with you not to let the important things in life pass you by. Instead, find joy in the journey now."

The quote above is not from General Conference. President Monson gave this talk last May at a Women's Conference. President Monson is the Prophet of the Lord. I believe that he speaks for our Heavenly Father, and he has counseled us to find joy in the journey. And not just once! Doesn't that make it even more important?

"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?—every, every minute?"

Today I'm going to take time to talk, really talk, to my children. I'm going to look at the world around me. I'm going to appreciate God's Creations.

“Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans”

Today, I'm going to live.

Answers for yesterdays movies quotes:

  • The Man From Snowy River
  • Charade
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's
  • Somewhere in Time


Mandee Lue said...

If I gave the credit to you, could I post your post to my blog so my in-laws can read it? I think they'd be surprised at how elegantly you spoke, and of course with reference to our Heavenly Father, it may soften them some. Would you prefer I link this to you? You'll have to let me know - leave me a facebook message or something - and I'll do whatever! I LOVED this blog. Thanks!!