Family Vacation 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008


It's been a long time since I've vented on my blog, and even now, I'm rather hesitant.


My good friend Kate has often said, "It's my blog, I can say what I want!"

Here Goes Nothing...

I am frustrated with people who have nothing positive to say.
I'm tired of hearing only complaints over which I may have had control once, but no longer do.
I am upset that no matter how upbeat I try to be, no one seems to appreciate it until I no longer have the energy to keep it up.
I can't believe that at that point they ask for more.
I'm angry that the situation involving my child was blown more than out of proportion and my child blamed for the entire problem.
I'm sick over inappropriate behavior (but I don't say anything, because who am I to judge?).

And finally...

I'm livid that all of this has affected me so negatively and I've become one of those people.


Amy Maida Wadsworth said...

I'm sorry that anything happened that gave you a reason to vent. And it sounds like it was a good reason. I hope things mend soon!