Family Vacation 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Hopefully in every production, whether it be big or small, there comes a point where the performers find themselves in a routine. The dances are learned, the songs are learned, all of the entrances are down. The costume changes don't seem so daunting, everyone knows when someone else is going to need help. This doesn't mean the performance itself is humdrum or lackluster, quite the opposite in fact. A routine performance can be shining and sparkly, because energy and excitement have also become part of the routine.

I think my cast reached that point last night.

I say this because the time we were on stage was fabulous, but once we were in the green room we could leave it, well, not quite behind us, but slightly off to the side. We played spoons and pigpen last night. Everyone laughed and joked around. As someone would have an entrance, someone else would pick up their hand and play for awhile. It was all very relaxed and enjoyable. And the show was great!

I want to reach this sort of routine in my life. I can't seem to get everything together to the point where I can just sit and play very often. I'm always running around trying to reach my next entrance in time (I hate being late!). The song and dance numbers in real life tend to belong to my children (I forgot my homework, I didn't think I needed to clean my room, I have piano today!...that general idea). And as for energy? HA! It gets sucked out of my eyeballs!

Finding the routine in real life takes a lot of time and cooperation (No, let's call it Shirley). I'm very hopeful that in the next 15 years I'll be able to get my life settled down, find that routine, make the show great!


Anonymous said...

This is funny because it is exactly what I've been thinking about a lot lately. How do I make it all fit and run relatively smoothly and still have time for myself? How do I add all the other stuff I still want to do?

I am perfect in my imperfection :)