Family Vacation 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mic tape and other randomness

I love doing shows! This show is especially fun...I'm not overwhelmed with emotion, I'm not trying not to throw up, I'm not crazily trying to find my back up cd. I get to go out on stage, sing and dance for a little bit, smile like crazy, hit a couple of indians and then head back off stage. Good times!

I'm not crazy about mic tape. I know it's absolutely necessary and I appreciate it's effectiveness. But, does it's effectiveness have to show up on the back of my neck days after the tape itself is gone?

My cast has been playing card games in the green room. I love this! Everyone thinks I'm really competitive, and I agree with them, but what they don't realize is that I'm not cheating or even playing cutthroat strategy. I'm just playing smart. For example: last night we played spoons. I play by keeping my head down and watching the spoons. I rarely look at the cards as they go by. I won't ever win...but I'll always come in second.

The three shows on Saturday was a great learning experience for me. I remembered all the words to "Fame", I learned that I'm not the only one who danced like a freak in the 80's, I realized that the other cast is a lot noisier than mine. Oh well. I also learned that I'm capable of pulling a performance out of thin air.

We had lots of technical difficulties last night. Annie's mic went out, Sitting Bull's mic went out, lights came up too soon, the little train got kicked over...just one of those nights. I did my part to help get things back on track. Annie had to change her mic as well as her costume during my indian scene, which is a very short scene by the way, and so...I improvised. Just slightly, not anything really long, just enough to to give her maybe 30 - 45 seconds more time to change. Yeah for me! Thank you, OBT!

The warm weather has been a balm to my soul. My tulips have bloomed. I wore capris yesterday. I want to bask in the sunshine. Too bad it's going away tomorrow.

My kids are crazy! I love them all the more for it!

I did vocal warm ups eight times yesterday. Kelly once said that doing warm ups is what music teachers hate the most, and he would be right. At least in my case. So, I'm thinking that on Wednesday, when I have to do warm ups for the cast, that I'll take my book that has "I Am Not Wearing Underwear Today". I wonder if the cast will like that? I wonder if any of them will even know it?

Here's hoping for a great day!


Sharon said...

the joys of being in the theatre!
