Family Vacation 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

Lovely Memory

I remember watching Anne of Green Gables (the really good, really long one) for the very first time. I loved it! So, I watched it again and again and again, and it came to define a certain portion of my life for me. My best friend was no longer my best friend, she was my bosom friend. We spoke of todays and tomorrows, sunbursts and marble halls, poetry and books, and all things romantic. It was a wonderful time in my life.

Flash forward 20 years (is it really 20? I am feeling really old right now!) and I've signed up for a daily dose of poetry. This morning I check my email, ready to read my short poem and head out into my day, when this appears:

"The Lady of Shalott"

Alfred Lord Tennyson

And I am suddenly transported back to the past when Carrie and I would gladly sit through eight hours of television (it was really entertaining) just to see one kiss. In fact, we did it about every other week. Carrie and Kelly were a couple (not my favorite situation), and our dreams of romance flourished. In spite of all the turmoil around us (applying for colleges, scholarships, graduation, friend drama, boyfriend drama, jobs, lack of jobs, parents, siblings, life as a senior in high school) we loved the peaceful portrayal of a gentle, and truly romantic, love.

My recommendation for today? Watch, or read (sometimes even better!) Anne of Green Gables. Revel in the language and the beauty of the scene. Transport yourself back in time (Somewhere in Time is much better for that *grin*) and think romantically for just a few minutes. You won't regret it.

A funny memory associated with this time and these people:

Carrie was sleeping over one night and we decided to go for a walk around the block. It was pretty late, it always was when we went for walks, and so we weren't expecting anyone to be awake, or come to think of it, maybe she did. Hmmm. Kelly lived just a few houses down the street from me (this is why I'm thinking she did) and they were currently dating. What a surprise! When we walked past Kelly's house, he was there. The three of us started talking, I turned away for a moment, turned back, and they were kissing! ARGH!

I screamed.


In the middle of the street.

Sometime close to midnight.


Rach said...

I would have screamed, too! I have never read Ann of Green Gables, and it has been a really long time since I watched the movie (it was with Shauna when she watched it all the time, if that gives you a frame of reference.) Maybe I'll start that series next. The books, not the movie.

Anonymous said...

Oh so many fond memories of Anne...both the series and the books..I should dig those out...