Family Vacation 2008

Friday, April 4, 2008


Last night we took cast pictures. It always takes a lot longer than the director or photographer plans on. Always. And last night was no exception. Still, it was a lot of fun to finally wear the costumes and the wigs and have them influence your character.

My Indian wig is jet black, very long, and down up in one braid that swooshes over my shoulder. Hmmm. I wonder why that style looks so very familiar? Oh! That's right! It's exactly how my mom wears her hair all the time! Want to know something? I look just like my mom in my costume and wig. It was a little bit freaky for a minute, but cool after that.

With pictures taking so long, and the photographer still needing to clean up his equipment, the director decided to let us go early. I got home around 8:15. Sarah was shocked to me see. The rest of the kids didn't really care. I wonder what that means? Oh well. I was so glad to be at home with them at least one night this week.


Cat said...

The best part is that your wig is going to be amazing by the time you open...not done in under five minutes, and you won't have to share with your double