Family Vacation 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Forum...

And very little funny about it.

Kate tagged me with this one, it's called "Somebody has to say it." The point is that it's my blog and I get to decide to what to write, what to say, what to publish. It's my place to vent, to let people know how I feel about things, without fear of back talk. Well, I'm always afraid of back talk (how could I not be? I'm a mother!) and truthfully I hate confrontation. Still, I've thought about this one since yesterday afternoon and I have decided there are things that drive me nuts enough to want to post about them.

1. DON'T BE LATE!!!!! I think people who are chronically late are insensitive, inconsiderate, selfish cretins. There is very little I hate more than wasting my time waiting for someone who doesn't have enough respect for me to show up when they say they are going to. I understand that things happen on occasion, but if you are one of those people who things happen to every time, plan for it!

2. It was my choice to be a stay-at-home mom. I am not oppressed. I am not depressed. I was not forced by my over bearing husband to give up my job and stay home. Anyone who has met David would know that. Don't feel sorry for me because I don't work outside of my home...I work plenty hard inside of it. Yes, it's been hard at times. Yes, there are things I've had to give up. Yes, the world thinks I'm crazy. Guess what? I don't care. I know I made the right choice for me and my family.

3. A toss up between people who don't vote and then complain about this country and everything wrong with it and people who use their cell phones in movies...the stupid LCD is shining right in my eyes!

4. There is so much mic tape residue on my neck that the mic cord stayed stuck after I pulled off the tape. And yes, I wash it off every least I thought I did.

I think that tomorrow I'll blog only funny things. My forum needs a pick me up.


Rach said...

Here's something to make you feel better: This morning, Drew didn't want his Thomas shirt. He didn't want his Bob the Builder shirt. He didn't want his striped shirt. He didn't want his plaid shirt. He didn't want anything but his Spiderman pajama shirt - until I pulled out the Blues Clues shirt. "Like Ella!" is what he said, and happily put it on.

Kate said...

I totally agree!

Mic tape - doesn't that gal from Hale sell some mic tape remover? If not, I highly recommend Mary Kay eye makeup remover... oil free and it seems to ball up the gunk so it comes off easier :-)