Family Vacation 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

Beginning of the End

Annie Get Your Gun closes tomorrow night. If you haven't seen it, you've missed out on a great show. It's not the kind of show that makes you think or teaches you a lesson. It's not derived from a fabulous book, it doesn't even have a fabulous book. But, it's been the funnest show I've ever been involved with. It's just entertaining.

I have two shows tonight (Kate is coming to the first one, my parents are coming to the second *smile*) and three shows tomorrow night. In preparation for this, I'm going to run around all day like a chicken with it's head cut off (which I've actually seen and is not a pretty sight). No, maybe I'll just run one or two errands and then read a book or teach a couple of lessons. How does a person prepare for five shows in two days?

I'm really going to miss this cast. I made some new friends, built better friendships with others, and just had an overall great time. I'm so glad I got to do this and I will always be grateful for that phone call.

Let's go on with the show!