Family Vacation 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Life Lessons

I have found that in every situation, whether it be good or bad, there is always something I can learn. It's not always an obvious lesson, or an important lesson, sometimes it's something as simple as, "I didn't know I was that kind of a person!" I learned some lessons from people I love and care about yesterday, and I want to share them here.

1. Positive attitude in the face of multiple challenges and life altering decisions.

I have a dear and wonderful friend who has some huge challenges ahead of her. Life is not treating her easily or lightly. She has had to struggle, sometimes on a daily basis, just to be where she wants to be. But, she has done it all with such a positive attitude...with verve, if I might say so, that she has become such an inspiration to me. I hope she realizes that I don't just love her, I admire and respect her as well.

2. Disappointment is a fact of life, but you pick yourself up and keep going anyway.

One of my young students recently got up the nerve to audition for a show...and was sorely disappointed when she didn't even get a callback. She's not a seasoned performer, she's still quite young and new to this. Many of her good friends did get called back. It hurt a lot. I know she cried, because I saw her right after her audition and she cried on my shoulder. And still, she came to voice lessons yesterday, ready to keep trying, putting on a happy face for her friends, and asking for mopey songs so that the next time something bad happened, she would have something to sing that would match her mood.

3. Even at 4 years old a work ethic is a good thing.

My husband is on a business trip this week (thank goodness it's a short one!) and I am trying to keep every one's life going like it's supposed to. Three of my kids had rehearsal last night, one had Scouts, and I, supposedly, had the night off. I was trying to figure out how I could get the three to their rehearsal and still be home when the fourth was finished. I couldn't do it, the timing was all wrong, so I figured out an alternative. The two would go to rehearsal, I would arrange for a ride home for them, and I would be here with the youngest for when the middle child got done. I even called the director and got all the right permissions for this to work. When I found my four year old, she was putting on her rehearsal shoes and sock. I told her, "You're not going to rehearsal tonight." She answered me, in the multi-syllabic way that only children can manage, "Mom! I'm in the show!" And that was that. My plans went out the window. I'm not sure where she learned such a strong work ethic, but I know it's a good thing.'s time to be off and living...and learning.


Rach said...

Of course Ella wanted to be there! What can you expect? She's so dang cute, everyone there just loves her to pieces.

Kate said...

I know where she got that work ethic. *huge grin* (I'm glad she has it, too, cause it was awesome to see you last night!!)