I rode nine miles yesterday with Crystal and my new BFF Teresa (she knits, too!). After our ride we hopped in a car and drove to the Farmer's Market downtown. I highly recommend fresh vegetables, especially in the summer!

Rehearsal is going well. I can't believe that we had a run-through of the music after only three rehearsals. There's still a lot of work to do, but I am so impressed with this cast...they work so hard and still keep the humor flowing. If only I could get "Joy of Motherhood" and "Poultry Tale" out of my head.

We celebrated Joshua's ninth birthday yesterday with Grandma and Grandpa Rogers. Barbecue, corn on the cob, potato salad, watermelon, cheetos, pineapple (and some great stories from Grandpa Rogers)...and of course birthday cake were all on the menu. It's hard for me to believe that my kids are getting so old. When did that happen?

I woke up with a headache again this morning. Nothing like I had on Wednesday, but annoying nonetheless. I've got to break this!
YAY BFF! Will you be my idol? I might knit, but you do EVERYTHING. You are an amazing woman :)
Ugg. The headache cycle. My best friend ever. NOT!
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