Family Vacation 2008

Friday, December 21, 2007


The Sterling Singers concert at Libby Gardner Hall was tonight. Last year it was beautiful and memorable. This year, well, I had an amazing time.

Kelly tells a story about how he decided to combine the happiest song he knew, "Jingle Bells", with the scariest song he knew, "O Fortuna" from Carl Orff's opera "Carmina Burana". He came up with a song his students lovingly call "Jingle Hell" or "Slay Ride".

This year, Kelly programmed this piece for the Sterling Singers, and we were slated to perform it tonight. It had piano, organ, xylophone, gong and bass drum for accompaniment. I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but Kelly ended up without a player to the bass drum.

Guess who got to do it?!!! ME!!!!! I got to bang the bass drum for "O Fortuna!" Yeah!!!

Kelly said, "go to town, bang as loud as you can" I did! And we recorded tonight, too. So, not only did I get to play the bass drum, very loud, in the Libby Gardner Concert Hall, it got recorded for all posterity.

Things just don't get much cooler than that.


Shauna said...

Kev and I listened to the song and laughed!