Family Vacation 2008

Monday, December 17, 2007

Good Friends

1. A good friend is someone who will talk on the phone with me for more than two or three minutes.

2. A good friend is someone who will put up with my insecurities.

3. A good friend is someone who is always happy to see me.

4. A good friend is someone who lets me bring my children along on occasion.

5. A good friend is someone who will play "duck, duck, goose" with said children.

6. A good friend is someone who lets me express my opinions.

7. A good friend is someone who has opinions of their own, as well.

8. A good friend is someone who believes in me, even when I have problems believing in myself.

9. A good friend is someone who won't settle for mediocre friendship, but insists on the real thing.

10. A good friend is something everyone needs, and I have.