Family Vacation 2008

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Closing Night

Friday night was my closing night for “Christmas Carol, Part II”. I had all the regular closing night feelings hit me on Friday, but because I was back on Saturday for Joshua’s closing, they became kind of muted.

Sometimes when I close I show, I’ll feel a little sad. Not a lot, because there will always be another show, but just a little bit of blue. After having put so much time and effort into a performance and getting to know the cast (and yes, there is effort involved in getting to know a cast when you are a closet shy person) it can be sad to see it all end. Memories have been made, friendships have been kindled, lessons have been learned.

On the other hand, there are those shows, when after all the time and effort is done, I feel nothing but glee at the prospect of closing. Imagine putting everything you’ve got into a show. Now imagine the performance is crappy, or you don’t get along with the cast, or you get passed over for a lesser performer, or any number of heartbreaking situations. What do you feel when that show is over? That’s right. Glee. Pure, unadulterated joy.

That’s not what I feel this time. I loved the script, even with all the really bad jokes, and the really racist ones, and the really stupid ones, I thought it had a lot to recommend it. I loved the people I worked with. I don’t think I have ever worked with such an outrageous group of performers before. Maybe it’s because improv is what they do, but the conversation backstage could be spectacular! And perhaps the best thing about this show was what I learned about myself. Guess what? I can act. And not just adequately. I can act well. And I can be funny. I’ve said for years that comedy is harder than drama, and I still believe it is; but I can do comedy. Nothing can take that away from me.

So, the show is over. I’ve unpacked my makeup. I’ve set my costume aside to be cleaned. I’m trying to decide what to do with my wig. I’ve given Sarah back the shoes I borrowed. I took Joshua out for dinner. And I will always remember the lesson I’ve learned from this show.

“Confucius say, YOU SO STUPID!!!”

p.s. remember the really stupid, really slow waitress at Village Inn? She’s still there, and she hasn’t improved much.