Family Vacation 2008

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Low Down

I am caught in a cycle of tension/headache/medication/withdrawal/headache/tension/headache...get the picture?

In other words, the doctor has informed me that I need to go two weeks without Tylenol, or any type of painkiller. And in addition to that, I can't have any caffeine, in any form, for the same length of time. That means, my favorite migraine buster: Tylenol and Coke, is a no-no. It also means my favorite mood lifter, chocolate in any form, is off limits as well.

This kind of sucks.

I'm looking forward to the end of the two weeks when, hopefully, my raging headaches will be under control. I know that it all started when I quit having massages because my life got too hectic to schedule them. (That'll teach me!) Thank goodness we have a massage therapist in the family, who is willing to work for a steeply discounted rate. I think that is what is going to make the next two weeks bearable. That and a lot of prayers.

Esther told a story on Sunday that I can in no way do justice to, but of course I'm going to try: a bunch of girls from her ward were talking about what they use for headaches and pain, and one of the girls answered, "I'm on the priesthood." Yes, we all laughed. But truthfully, that's what I'm going to need the next two weeks. Good thing I've got David around (I think I'll keep him).

In addition to the headaches, I've been experiencing a lot of vertigo, which makes it hard to sit at the computer (which is a bummer), or even the piano (which is a huge problem), and has contributed to the headache issue. Well, that's just an ear infection.

So...I'm sick (and tired!), I haven't got time for the pain (sorry, bad song joke), and I'm really pretty happy. In my opinion, life is good, no matter what. And besides,

The Best is Yet to Come!


Crystal said...

You are a strong woman, Patti. I know you have found the right source of power to help you through this. Concerned for you.

Medication Withdrawal said...

Wow, 2 weeks without caffeine or tylenol, that's kind of rough. I went about 8 months without tylenol at one point, I had to look at what I was doing to myself and adjust accordingly. Check online about your diet to see why you are getting these headaches. I used to get terrible migraines but they went away.