Family Vacation 2008

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Last night Sarah went with her ballet studio to see "Madame Butterfly" performed by Ballet West. (Yes, I'm jealous.) She started getting ready at 4:00, doing her hair special, pressing all her clothes, dressing very nicely, even a touch of makeup...she looked fabulous! She wore a magenta chiangsam as a shirt, with a black, fairly narrow, split skirt underneath, and her magenta stripped shoes. In my opinion, a perfect outfit to go to a ballet.

Her ride showed up in jeans, a knit blouse, and flip flops.

Granted, it was only a dress rehearsal. Still, the teachers had told them "No jeans". And it was at the Capitol Theatre.

This got me thinking...whatever happened to our formality? Why have we descended to this place of increasing casualness? And not just in our dress, but in our manners and, sadly enough, our ethics.

While I wouldn't want my husband to have to wear a suit coat and tie to a ball game, and I, for sure, can't see myself vacuuming the house in pumps and pearls, there is something to be said for a more formal society. A society where things, and people, are respected. We've lost all of that. There is very little respect for very important things out there.

A case in point: David and I went to a wedding at the Salt Lake Temple in January. As we were walking to the marriage waiting room, we passed a young lady walking the other direction who was wearing a knit mini dress with leggings.

Draw your own conclusion.

I think our society would benefit greatly by a return to a more formal time. Maybe we would gain a little respect; for ourselves, our families, our friends, and yes, even our country.

note for Rachael: she cried, because she kept thinking (even though she said she tried not to), "He's not going to have a mommy!"


Rach said...

I really wanted to see that ballet, too. She actually cried, huh?

Your vacuuming in heels and pearls reminded me of an episode of Gilmore Girls . . .

And the mini-skirt with leggings? In the temple? Seriously? That's not even appropriate for church (in my humble opinion) let alone the Temple.

Stephanie said...

I so agree with your stance on this! It drives me crazy when people go to the theater (ie. the Hale) wearing sweats and t-shirts. The ballet? Hello, can we say "put on a skirt" or at least dress pants?

More than that, it seems that it truly is leading itself into other aspects of life from disrespecting teachers and parents to disrespecting oneself.

*getting off the soap box now*

Erica said...

I completely agree.

Shauna said...

My personal addition to the soapbox: Flip flops are never appropriate for church people! Seriously, what ever happened to "Sunday Best"?!

Mandee Lue said...

I concur. There are some things that happen in middle school that really astound me. I mean, middle school? They're all 11, 12, 13, 14... Really? Yeah, it's a sad, sad thing. Thanks for being a great example for Sarah, though!!

And I agree with Rachel about the mini-skirt thing. Humm...