Family Vacation 2008

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I can see clearly now, the pain is gone...

Yes, I'm feeling much better this morning.

When the doctor said two weeks without painkillers and caffeine, I knew it would be a challenge, but I didn't realize just how much pain would be involved. In other words, I was more tempted yesterday to take Tylenol than I ever have been in my entire life. But, I didn't. I remembered what the doctor said, and I was good.

Then my dad came over and he and David gave me a blessing.

And today...well...I feel better. Which is a good thing, because it's Ella's birthday and I've promised her lots of time together.

Anyway, I've made it through the first week. And, I have great hopes for the second.


Crystal said...

Happy Birthday Ella!

Miss Megan said...

That IS good news! I'm glad you're feeling noticibly better, Patti. Hope you and Ella enjoyed the day together!