Family Vacation 2008

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bits and Pieces

God Bless America

Today we get a new President. I have to admit that although I didn't vote for him, I'm excited for today. I'm excited to see what he can do. And I'm hoping I can be patient for it. Ever since the election, I've been hearing the news people talk about transition of power, and it is a truly amazing thing. Today George W. Bush will simply walk away from the position of President and Barak Obama will take over (amid a huge amount of pomp and ceremony). No matter what issues a person might have with the United States of America, today is a pretty cool day.

Mill Hollow has rocks

We had a lesson on the offices of the Aaronic Priesthood last night. Everything was going well, we had sung Scripture Power, had a prayer, learned what deacons, teachers, and priests responsibilities are, and David had asked the boys if they were excited to receive the Priesthood. Benjamin answered, "yes", but Joshua was not so certain. He was worried about passing the sacrament. How was he to learn where to go? I told him, "Don't worry, they'll teach you the formations." Benjamin said, "Mill Hollow has rocks..."

The Best is Yet to Come

I've been panicking because I lost three students in a month (all for financial reasons...yes, the recession has arrived at my house). There's not a lot I can do about it, but tighten our belts and budget really carefully. I can still pay all of my bills, I can still buy groceries, there's just not that money for extras (like going out to eat). David and I have stay-at-home dates, I bake homemade bread a couple of times a week. I'm very grateful to my mom for the 23.5 lb turkey. But through it all I hear Frank Sinatra singing, "The Best is Yet to Come", and yesterday when an old student called and asked if she could take lessons again, I knew that Heavenly Father was watching out for us.