Family Vacation 2008

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bits and Pieces


Sarah got a lead in her school musical! For those who haven't already heard, my darling Sarah is going to be playing Gertrude McFuzz in Seussical at her Junior High School. There was much celebrating at my house the day we found out. Sarah had originally auditioned to play a supporting character role, Maisy, but I think we're all okay with the change. I know she is.

It seems that a lot of the good news in our family centers around Sarah today. Not only does rehearsal for the school musical start today, but she also starts at her new ballet studio, Utah Dance Artists as well. We're very excited for this change.


All the kids have now started school. Sarah, Ben and Josh started two weeks ago, and Ella started last week. Everything seems to be going well for them (especially Sarah), and I think we'll be okay once we figure out the "protocols" at this new school. And if all else fails, I can get extra homework from Auntie Esther for Joshua, and maybe Benjamin, too. (Hey Esther! Can I get that extra homework from you?)

Ella went to kindergarten with a great deal of enthusiasm and came home bored. Yep, she's bored. I guess not all of the kids know all of their letters, letter sounds, numbers, number order, shapes, colors, and sorting, not to mention rudimentary reading. Maybe I'll need some of that extra homework for Ella, too. (Hey Esther! Do you know anyone who can give me extra homework for Ella?)


I'm beginning to think that I'm a hard to please mother. But that's not all that true. I was thinking random thought after the ball game on Saturday night and I started pondering on my accomplishments. I went through my degree, books I've read, projects I've finished, shows I've done, things I've learned and I realized that my favorite (and therefore best) accomplishment, the one that really shows what kind of a person I am and what I want from life is this: all four of my children know all the words to "Bohemian Rhapsody".

David and I are looking at options, and we're thinking we might be in this situation (living with his folks) for longer than we'd originally planned on, or hoped for. Still, there are worse places to be: homeless, camping out in Coalville, homeless. And while it's not our home and we can't always do things our way, there are things to be learned while we're here. I haven't figured them out yet, but I know they're there.


I need a project! My knitting project is almost finished (53 more rows) and if I don't have a project in my hands, not only will I go crazy, but I won't be able to justify sitting on my butt watching way too much Buffy, Eureka, Gilmore Girls and Doctor Who. Any suggestions? Keeping in mind that I don't have a lot of space to work, which eliminates quilting, which makes me very sad, it should be small, easily transportable, not too expensive, possibly to give away, and not require too many tools I don't have or that I do have, but are in storage. Hmmm.

I just finished listening to "Because of Winn Dixie" by Kate DiCamillo. It was a really great book! There's a party at the end of the book, where all the characters come together to sing and eat egg salad and pickles, and it got me thinking that I miss my friends and want to get a party together. Maybe a girls' Saturday or a picnic, or a trip up the canyons (when the leaves turn). Anyone interested?


I sing with the Sterling Singers, and we have a Patriotic Concert coming up this weekend. September 11 and 12, 7:30 p.m. at the Granite Tabernacle. It should be pretty amazing. We did a run through (sort of) on Sunday, and even the music teacher in me was pretty impressed with how good the choir is sounding. And the narration, mostly written by Alan Mangum is amazing! It's very stirring, and Alan is a great reader. (I first met him when we did "A Spring to Remember" together at Hale Centre Theatre.)


All in all, life is pretty good right now. I know that things are hard, but they just could be so much worse that I have to be grateful for everything little thing that goes right in my life. I'm not homeless, I'm fairly healthy, David is also fairly healthy, the kids are mostly happy, school has started, there's always music someplace in my head, and best of all, I have David and my kids right here with me (well, not right now, school and stuff...).

And really, the fact that my van's shadow, when driving west in the morning and east in the evening looks like Shrek is just a bonus...


Unknown said...

I'll do this by sections
Good News
-Congrats to Sarah. There both good roles, but Gertrude is more endearing.
New Beginnings
-Way to good job as parents. I was no where near that level.
Beginning to Think
-"Bohemian Rhapsody" came on the intercom at Lagoon and my friends and I got most of the words.
Thinking About Stuff
-Sackboys. Talk to my mom.
That's all I have to say.

Tess said...

I'm going to follow the section plan too :)

Good News
--Way to go Sarah! It sounds like she has a lot of really exciting things going on right now.

New Beginnings
--With both Ella and Grant being bored we should make sure they never get together. There is FAR to much evil genius potential!

Beginning to Think
--You know when your kids are in college talking with their friends about their parents they are going to use the Bohemian Rhapsody as an example of what a cool mom you are :)

Thinking about stuff
--Another knitting project? I have a few lace projects on the needles which take awhile to finish and don't have to break the bank. I have to have a project in my hands while I'm watching shows too. You know Crystal would have some good small project she would donate to the cause. It's hard having all that stuff in storage. I know she has stuff because she is a Whitworth girl and we have more than a years supply of projects on hand at all times :)

Crystal said...

I'll break the pattern and just say this...Grant hates homework, doesn't tell me about school, and is an all around punk.
I find Grant singing lots of songs. Right now a lot of them are from Mamma Mia. How I love ABBA. My Lila also dances and asks to watch this movie.
I have more projects than I know what to do with. I have multitudes of small cross stitch kits. You are welcome to come and look them over and take one if you wish. As Teresa said, willing to donate for a good cause.
Ah the good years of getting to do shows. Know Sarah will have the time of her life.
Call me sometime. Enjoy the concert. I'll be in Brigham for Peach Days. Let me know if you want any.