Family Vacation 2008

Thursday, April 30, 2009


When you are five years old, and a girl amongst many boy cousins (many, many boy cousins) things get easily blown out of proportion.

Say you and your favorite cousin are playing with a broom. He has it, you want it, so you grab it, but he doesn't want to give it up, so he grabs it back. In this process, you get pushed or knocked or something that feels like a hit.

What do you do? Well, I suppose you cry. And cry, and cry, and cry, until your mother has to send you to the living room in order to calm down.

Once you're in the living room, you stop crying and start thinking about what happened. And you write a note to your favorite cousin. It says, "SRE".

C'mon, sound it out.


Auntie Shauna was the one who thought enough like a five year old to figure it out. I, for one, was staring at it blankly.

It said, "Sorry"


Erica said...

So cute!

Esther said...

Are you smarter than a 5 year old? I totally got it when mom spelled it for me! ;-)

Shauna said...

It's called phonetic spelling and dork that I am (and dork that Esther is), they actually teach you things like this in college when you decide to place your life in the hands of 25 minors at a time. It has proven helpful on many, many occasions.

Teresa said...

Grant did something similar but not as sweet. He wanted me to teach him to spell a word, but I told him that it was a word I wouldn't help him with. He got this far on his own....S.T.O.P.E.......he was going for stupid......